We respect people, i.e. our suppliers, employees, business partners, customers and consumers; on the other hand, we respect the environment and the animals that consume our products, i.e. life, and we take care to protect their rights. Our products and practices are and will always be based on this principle.

We do our job with the highest quality and diligence, but we are always looking for the best without ignoring that there may be better people than us. As an organization, we avoid arrogance in every way and strive to conduct and complete our relationships with grace. We do not seek to benefit from society, but to serve it.

We are devoted to our country, our company, our business, our team and our brands, and we work with loyalty. We embrace all areas of our business without discrimination. We are an interconnected and strong team.

We maintain our characteristic of being an organization that can adapt to the dynamic conditions in the markets in which we operate, quickly adapt to new ways of doing business, seize and evaluate new opportunities immediately, and work in agile task forces by bringing different teams to different tasks.

We adopt the principle of establishing and maintaining a relationship with everyone we come into contact with, focused on measured and mutually honest gain. We are committed not only to prioritizing our own interests, but also to providing benefits to all our stakeholders, to protecting the results of our decisions and not deviating from the line of justice in profit and loss.